Sudanese Community Picnic January 2023
A Day to Remember: The First Community Picnic this year - 08 January 2023
How to keep your family safe from COVID this Christmas
Steps to protect yourself and others
Why is ventilation important?
There are simple steps you can take to ventilate your home and prevent COVID-19 virus aerosols from accumulating inside.
Market Day - 16 Oct 2022
The first multicultural all women market - hosted by the African community in Melbourne
Flood Warning Melbourne - 11 Oct 2022
Heavy rainfall is expected to batter Victoria from Wednesday
Sick Pay Guarantee
أجر مقدمي الرعاية للعاملين بدوام غير منتظم والمتعاقدين ضمان أجر الاجازة المرضية
The Victorian Dining & Entertainment Program
Customers get to eat and play, any day of the week and anywhere in Victoria.
COVID-19 Vaccination For Children
Parents of eligible children aged 6 months to <5 years recommended for vaccination should seek COVID-19 vaccination as soon as they are able to secure a vaccination clinic appointment.
Specialist vaccine clinics for at-risk children under 5 years
ATAGI recommendations on COVID-19 vaccine use in children aged 6 months to <5 years
Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine
The infection may be bacterial or viral. In some cases, encephalitis may be the result of an immune system disorder.