The Forgotten War in Sudan

The conflict in Sudan, characterized by the fierce struggle between the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), has plunged the nation into chaos, leaving a profound impact on Sudanese both within the country and abroad.

The ongoing war, as depicted in the Sudan War Monitor, illustrates a deeply divided nation with territories controlled by various factions, leading to widespread violence and instability.

Areas of control: 01 Jun 2024

This map shows the territories controlled by the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and their rival, the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), as well as the areas that have experienced the most fighting in recent weeks.

Impact on Sudanese Lives

The relentless fighting has devastated communities, displacing millions and causing a severe humanitarian crisis. Basic necessities like food, water, and medical supplies are scarce, and many areas are inaccessible due to the conflict. The psychological trauma endured by those caught in the crossfire is immeasurable, with families torn apart and children growing up in constant fear.

For Sudanese living abroad, the war brings a different kind of anguish. Many face the emotional burden of worrying about loved ones back home while grappling with the challenges of displacement and asylum. The diaspora community is often caught in limbo, unable to return home and uncertain about their future in foreign lands.

Sudanese diaspora faces significant struggles in supporting their families back home. With limited access to communication services, reaching loved ones has become increasingly difficult.

Furthermore, the means to send funds are severely restricted, adding to the financial strain on families already suffering from the conflict. This disconnection exacerbates the emotional and economic hardships faced by Sudanese abroad, who are desperate to provide assistance and stay connected with their families amidst the ongoing turmoil.

Staggering Impact Statistics

  • More than 8.8 million people have fled their homes in conflict areas since mid-April 2023.

  • ACLED has recorded 15,550 reported civilian fatalities in Sudan.

  • Nearly 70% of the population faces acute food insecurity.

  • In March and April, 860,000 people did not receive humanitarian aid in Kordofan, Darfur, and Khartoum due to violence and bureaucratic impediments.

  • More than 5 million people, most undocumented, have fled to neighbouring countries seeking refuge.

  • Hospitals and healthcare facilities have been severely damaged, limiting access to essential medical care.

A Call to Action

It is imperative for the global community to recognize the gravity of the situation in Sudan and take meaningful steps to address it. The ongoing war is not just a regional issue but a humanitarian crisis that demands urgent international intervention. By employing a balanced approach of pressure and incentives, the world can help bring an end to this forgotten war and pave the way for a brighter future for the people of Sudan.

The Malak Foundation urges all stakeholders, from governments to international organizations and civil society, to unite in their efforts to bring lasting peace to Sudan. The time for decisive action is now before more lives are lost and the country descends further into turmoil.


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