Starting Your Own Business

Thinking of Starting Your Own Business? Here’s How the Self-Employment Assistance Program Can Help You!

If you’ve been dreaming about starting your own business but don’t know where to begin, you’re not alone. Many people have great ideas but face barriers when it comes to putting their plans into action. Thankfully, the Self-Employment Assistance (SEA) program, offered by the Australian Government, has just made it easier for more Australians to turn their business ideas into reality.

Starting from July 2024, eligibility for the SEA program has been expanded to support even more people, including those who might not have considered themselves eligible in the past. This means more Australians, especially those who have faced barriers to traditional employment, can now receive help to start, run, and grow their own businesses.

At the Malak Foundation, we believe in empowering individuals to create sustainable livelihoods. Whether you’re someone who’s been impacted by conflict, a migrant looking to establish roots in your new community, or just someone who wants to take control of your professional future, the SEA program is an incredible resource. Here’s how it can help you.

What is the Self-Employment Assistance Program?

The SEA program is designed to help Australians develop their business ideas and improve their skills in self-employment. Whether you have a full-fledged business plan or just the spark of an idea, the program provides tailored support to guide you every step of the way.

It offers the following services:

  1. Business Plan Development – If you’re not sure how to put your idea into a formal business plan, you can access expert guidance to help develop one.

  2. Business Coaching – Receive mentoring and coaching from experienced professionals who will help you navigate the challenges of running a business.

  3. Small Business Training – Take part in workshops and courses that cover everything from marketing, and financial planning, to digital literacy – all crucial skills for successful business owners.

  4. Assistance for Existing Businesses – If you already have a small business but need help to sustain or grow it, the SEA program offers ongoing support to help your business thrive.

  5. Exploring Self-Employment Workshops – These introductory workshops are perfect for people just starting out, helping you understand what self-employment is all about and whether it’s right for you.

  6. Income Support – In some cases, eligible participants may receive income support payments while they’re working on their business.

Who is Eligible for SEA?

One of the most exciting aspects of the recent changes to SEA is the expanded eligibility. The program now includes people who might not have been eligible before. This means:

  • Migrant communities can take advantage of the program to overcome employment barriers.

  • Displaced individuals and those affected by crises can use the opportunity to rebuild their livelihoods by starting a small business.

  • People over 18 years of age who are not working or are underemployed can now access SEA’s support.

Whether you’re a young person struggling to find a job, someone in between careers, or a person living in a rural area where employment opportunities are limited, SEA can offer the tools and knowledge you need to succeed in business.

Why Consider Self-Employment?

Starting your own business can offer many advantages:

  • Be Your Own Boss: Gain control over your professional life, set your own hours, and create a career that suits your skills and interests.

  • Make a Positive Impact: Many people choose to start businesses that contribute to their local communities, support sustainable practices, or create solutions to social problems.

  • Flexibility: A business can be tailored to fit your lifestyle, whether you’re a parent, a caregiver, or someone with other commitments.

At the Malak Foundation, we’ve seen how entrepreneurship can transform lives. Through our work with individuals affected by war, displacement, and unemployment, we’ve helped people create successful, sustainable businesses that empower not just themselves, but also their communities.

How to Get Started?

If you’re interested in learning more about how the SEA program can support you in starting or growing a business, you can find more detailed information on the Self-Employment Assistance website. Here, you can explore the various services available, check eligibility requirements, and get the process started.

For those who need additional support or guidance in navigating the application process, the Malak Foundation is here to help. We can provide advice on how to access these government resources and connect you with the support you need to get started.

Whether you’re passionate about creating a small community-focused business, or a tech startup, or simply want to explore the idea of self-employment, this program offers you the tools to succeed. Don’t let fear of the unknown stop you – the help you need is now more accessible than ever.

Take the first step toward your business dream today!


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