Victoria's State Nomination Program

Navigating New Horizons for Sudanese Migrants

In the face of conflict and adversity in Sudan, many individuals are seeking refuge and employment opportunities. For Sudanese migrants, Victoria's State Nomination Program offers a promising pathway to rebuild their lives in Australia. In this blog, we'll explore the recent developments and the impact of war on Sudanese migrants, as well as the opportunities presented by Victoria's State Nomination Program.

Current Situation and Challenges:

Sudan has been plagued by political unrest and armed conflict for years, leading to widespread displacement and humanitarian crises. The ongoing war has left many Sudanese individuals with few options but to seek safety and stability elsewhere. However, navigating the immigration process can be daunting, especially without proper guidance and support.

A Productive Step Forward:

Recently, representatives from the Sudanese Community Association of Victoria (SCAV) and the Malak Foundation held a productive meeting with key stakeholders, including Sarah Connolly MP and officials from the Ministerial office and the Department of Jobs, Skills, Innovation and Trade (DJSIR). The focus of the meeting was on discussing the current situation in Sudan and exploring avenues for supporting Sudanese migrants in Victoria.

Victoria's State Nomination Program:

One significant outcome of the meeting was the department's agreement to host a community session to discuss Victoria's State Nomination Program. This program, expected to open mid-year, provides opportunities for skilled migrants to settle and work in Victoria. The session will offer valuable information about the program's requirements, available visa pathways, and how Sudanese individuals impacted by the war can benefit from it.

Empowerment and Opportunities:

The State Nomination Program isn't just about immigration; it's about empowerment and creating opportunities for individuals to thrive despite the challenges they've faced. By participating in this program, Sudanese migrants can access resources, support networks, and pathways to meaningful employment and education in Victoria. This initiative aligns with Victoria's commitment to diversity, inclusion, and providing a haven for those fleeing conflict.

Looking Ahead:

As details about the program design and opportunities for Sudanese migrants emerge, the community needs to stay informed and engaged. SCAV and the Malak Foundation play a vital role in disseminating information and providing support to those navigating the immigration process.

Victoria's State Nomination Program represents a beacon of hope for Sudanese migrants seeking stability and opportunity in Australia. In the face of war and displacement, this program offers a chance for individuals to rebuild their lives and contribute to their new community. Through collaboration and support from government agencies and community organisations, individuals can embark on a new chapter of their lives with confidence and optimism.


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