Eid Al-Adha Event (2022) - Melbourne

In partnership with the Sudanese Community Association of Victoria, The Eid event was held on Saturday, 19th of July and attended by many community members. Malak Foundation, in support, donated money to the event and provided food for the gathering. After two years of lockdowns and strict community separation, it was terrific to see the children playing and reconnecting with one another, as well as many members of the community who had not seen each for well over a year.   

Malak Foundation Chairman Mr Ateem took the opportunity to thank Ms Azza Elfil and her team for their outstanding work organising the event. Our organisations look forward to working together to support the broader Sudanese community. 

In a speech, Mr Ateen congratulated and wished the community Eid Mubarak and reminded the assembly of the covid impact and threat that still exist. Further, the community can access vaccines and covid oral medication available for the older generation, and the Malak Foundation offers several support services available to the community right now. Mr Ateem highlighted the need to remain vigilant and support one another and speak to medical experts in the community for support regarding Covid-19 Vaccines. 

The event included many activities such as musical acts from local performers and many activities for children, including face painting. If you need help, please get in touch with Malak Foundation representatives or members of the  Sudanese Community Association of Victoria.

We would like to extend greetings and best wishes to the community on Eid al-Adha. Eid Mubarak to everyone, and we look forward to working to support families and individuals to address their needs along with providing vital information to help members of the community deal with Covid-19 impact, mental health and vaccination fears.

Eid is a time for forgiveness, kindness, and compassion. These qualities are the essence of Islam. It is a time of joy and celebration; a time to make peace with all neighbors, relatives and friends, and resolve differences.

This year we have celebrated the Eid with the Sudanese Community of Victoria.


Understanding what to do if you have COVID


Eid al-Adha (2022) Eid Mubarak